قائمة التشغيل

العودة إلى قوائم التشغيل الوقت الكلي : 00:00:00

8.1 Confidence interval on the mean, variance known | Part 1


8.1 Confidence interval on the mean, variance known | Part 2


8.1 Confidence interval on the mean, variance known | Part 3


8.2 Confidence interval on the mean, variance unknown | Part 1


8.2 Confidence interval on the mean, variance unknown | Part 2


8.3 Confidence interval on the variance & standard deviation


8.4 confidence interval for a population proportion


Review | Chapter 8


9.1 Hypothesis testing


9.2 Tests on the Mean, Variance Known | Part 1


9.2 Tests on the Mean, Variance Known | Part 2


9.3 Tests on the Mean, Variance Unknown


9.4 Tests on the Variance and Standard Deviation


9.5 Tests on a Population Proportion


9.7 Testing for Goodness of Fit


9.8 Contingency Table Tests


10.1 Inference on the Difference in Means, Variances Known


10.2 Inference on the Difference in Means, Variances Unknown


10.4 Paired t-Test


10.5 Inference on the Variances of Two Normal Distributions


10.6 Inference on Two Population Proportions


11.1 Empirical Model


11.2 Simple Linear Regression


11.4 Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear Regression | Part 1


11.4 Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear Regression | Part 2


Introduction | Stat 2


قوائم التشغيل المختلفة
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شرح مادة STAT 1 م. فراس تكروري